Thursday, December 29, 2022

A Tale of Two Brothers

Brothers, Wilbur (1928-2014) and LeRoy (1930-2014), were the sons of Elmer and Maymie Martin.  The Martin family was a very close-knit family.  And, as such, Wilbur and LeRoy were very close their entire lives - often living near each other.  After Wilber died, LeRoy died just a few months later.

1932 Wilbur & LeRoy

Riding Pigs 1933

Martin Family 1934 Bluff, UT

Holding an Orange, Yuma, AZ

Smile for the Camera 1936

Wilbur and LeRoy with their ponies, 1939

Rounding up a calf, Dolores, CO 1939

Baptism 1946, Cortez, CO
Pastor, LeRoy, Maymie, Wilbur, Vern, ?

LeRoy and Wilbur on LeRoy's Indian Motorcycle, Yuma, AZ

A Good Day Fishing

Wilbur and LeRoy

Martin Family 1952

Back: Dorsa & Verna, sitting: Wilbur & LeRoy 1956

Maymie & her boys, Wilbur and LeRoy 1963

Two Old Cowboys - LeRoy & Wilbur 2013

Most of these photos have been colorized using

Related Posts:

Veteran Wilbur Martin

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Where Is This?

This photo belonged to Maymie Wilson Martin.  There was no additional information written on the back, but it looks like a Martin family outing.  Maymie is sitting on the right side of the rock.  The two little boys would be Wilbur sitting in the back and LeRoy sitting in front.  The man on the left should be Elmer.  Judging from the ages of Wilbur and LeRoy, I would say this photo would have been taken about 1933 to 1934.  

The big question is WHERE?   Most likely in the Four Corners area, but not sure of the exact location.  Maymie and Elmer would have been living in Dove Creek, Colorado at the time.  This was probably in Utah.  Maybe around Moab or Bluff, or somewhere in Monument Valley??  

Martin Family Outing
L-R: Elmer, Wilbur (top), LeRoy (bottom), Maymie


UPDATES to this post: 
Found the name
50 years later 

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Riding Pigs

Did you ride Pigs as a child?

While I did not ride a pig as a child, I had family members who did when they were young.  Maybe that was all they had to play with? What is interesting is that I have found pictures from both paternal and maternal sides of my family of children riding pigs.😊

The first two cute photos are from my paternal side and were taken at Dove Creek, Colorado in about 1934.  Wilbur and LeRoy were playing cowboys(?) or maybe good guys against the bad guys. Whatever it was they were playing, it involved riding pigs🐖🐖.  In the first photo, Wilbur is riding the pig in the front and LeRoy appears to be chasing after him with his toy gun pointed right at Wilbur.  The pigs don't seem to be moving very fast (if at all) and the pigs don't seem bothered by the fact that little boys are riding on their backs.  The second photo is just of Wilbur riding a pig while shooting his toy gun in the air.

Wilbur and LeRoy Riding Pigs (colorized)

Wilbur Riding a Pig  (colorized)

Next is a photo from my maternal side.  It was taken around 4 years later in about 1938.  Verna is trying to get her baby doll to ride a pig🐖.  Pig looks like he is ready to take off and wants nothing to do with Verna or her doll.  Photo taken about 1938 at Summit Point, Utah.  

Verna and doll with pig


All of these photos have been colorized using MyHeritage In Color

Friday, November 11, 2022

Korean War Veteran

In honor of Veteran's Day 2022, I would like to Thank all Veterans and especially the Veterans who have served from our family.  This Veteran's Day, I will highlight a Korean War Veteran in the family - Charles W. Martin.  The photos and letters in this post belonged to his mother, Maymie Martin, and were found in her photo box.

Charles Wilbur "Chuck" Martin
Korean War

C. W. Martin was drafted into the Army in 1950.  He was sent to basic training at Fort Ord.  Fort Ord was a United States Army post in Monterey, California.  According to wikipedia, Fort Ord was a staging area for units departing for the war in the Korean War.  

After basic training and before shipping out for Korea, Wilbur's parents, Elmer and Maymie, made a visit to Wilbur at Fort Ord during Christmas time 1950.

Wilbur and his dad, Elmer Martin.
Christmas 1950 Fort Ord, CA

Maymie and son, Wilbur
Christmas 1950 Fort Ord, CA

After his parents left to drive back home to Yuma, Arizona, Wilbur sent a post card to them.  There are several things I want to point out on the postcard.  First, he put his brand "/H" on the top of the back of the card.  Secondly, he signed the card as "Chuck", which is a nickname for Charles.  Although I remember him occasionally being called Chuck, I mainly remember him as Wilbur.  Since horses were always Wilbur's first love, he asked his parents how the horses were when they arrived back home🐎🐴.  

Postcard to parents, 28 Dec 1950

Perhaps before shipping out

The following photos are of Wilbur while serving in Korea.

Wilbur in Korea.

Wilbur was a camp cook for a while. (colorized)

Below is a letter written by Wilber to his parents on 23 July 1951.  Note that he was just 200 yards south of the 38th parallel line.

Letter written to parents from Korea.
23 July 1951
200 yards south of 38th parallel line

The following is a photo of 1947 Korean money that Wilbur sent his parents.  Both the front and back are shown.  A notation is made on the back - "Korea - Chorwon".  Not sure if Chorwon is where Wilbur obtained the money or if it is the location of the image on the money.  

Charles Wilbur "Chuck" Martin
Korean War Veteran 

Related Posts:

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Martin Family 1952

Martin Family 1952

L-R: Dorsa, Wilbur, Maymie holding Cathy, Elmer, LeRoy, Verna

Besides being a great photo of the Elmer and Maymie Martin family in 1952, I love seeing their shoes 👞👠👢👞.  Below is a clip of just the shoes.

The design on LeRoy's cowboy boots (2nd from right) is very intricate and colorful with reds, pinks, turquoise, and blue.  Elmer's boots lace up the front - the toes look like western boots but they lace up the front instead of pull on.  Wish I had a pair like Verna's white and red heels (right) - Super Cute.  And, Maymie's wearing an adorable pair of red platform heels with ankle straps.  Maymie always wore the cutest heels, even with slacks.  Maybe it was because she wanted to look taller - she was short in stature but big in personality😊.  Wilbur's boots look a little worn - wish we could see the tops of the boots.  Elmer would have been 65 years old when the photo was taken and Maymie would have been 47 years old.  

JJ Style Stop

JJ Style Stop

Recently found the above newspaper clipping.  Aunt Juanita Thompson (center) opened a salon called JJ Style Stop.  It was located at 520 Main Street, Montrose, Colorado.  When the beauty shop opened, I remember going to the open house mentioned in article.  Wigs were a big thing back then.  Juanita's sister, Ethel, worked at a wig shop in Phoenix for several years.  It seemed everyone wore wigs or hair pieces back then, including my mom.  Recently, while cleaning out one of mom's closets, several of her old wigs were found laying on a self.  Everyone thought it was some animal living in the closet😱😵

Thursday, October 6, 2022

German-American Day

Happy German-American Day!

In the United States, National German-American Day is observed annually on October 6th.  It celebrates German-American heritage and commemorates the founding of Germantown, Pennsylvania in 1683.  Last year, the following proclamation was given by the White House:

A Proclamation on German-American Day, 2021

 Since the first Germans arrived on American soil in the 17th century in search of religious freedom and opportunity, German-Americans have played an essential role in the foundation and growth of our country.  Today, German-Americans make up one of the largest ancestry groups in our country, with more than 43 million Americans of German heritage living in the United States.  Their influence has been felt in each successive generation, and their contributions to the United States have been innumerable.  On German-American Day, we celebrate the German-Americans who continue to enhance our Nation with their talents, skills, knowledge, and rich cultural heritage. 

The contributions of German-Americans are woven into the fabric of America, touching our lives every day.  From the Brooklyn Bridge to airplanes, jeans to pianos, the food we eat to the beer we drink — German-Americans have invented, built, and influenced some of the most iconic American products and institutions.  Generations of German-Americans have served our Nation as first responders, public servants, scientists, entrepreneurs, farmers and ranchers, authors, and athletes among many other occupations. 

The strong ties between the people of America and Germany that have arisen since the end of World War II reflect the common bonds our countries enjoy.  We remain committed to the shared democratic values and institutions that have shaped our nations and our economies.  Earlier this year, the United States and Germany signed the Washington Declaration, reaffirming the democratic principles that underpin our steadfast commitment to bilateral cooperation in promoting peace, security, and prosperity around the world.  The United States and Germany are inseparable allies.

On German-American Day, we celebrate our Nation’s German-American heritage and recognize the contributions both past and present of German-Americans across our country. 

Now, therefore, I, Joseph R Biden Jr., President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim October 6, 2021, as German-American Day.  I urge all Americans to celebrate the rich and varied history of German-Americans and remember the many contributions they have made to our Nation.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this fifth day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-one, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-sixth.

My German Roots

I grew up with an American born German grandfather, Elmer Martin, on my paternal side.  His father, John Stephen Martin, was born in Rothenbach, Oberfranken, Bayern, Germany on November 28, 1847.  He immigrated a year later in 1848 with his mother, Katherine Castner.  John's father, Mathias Martin, had come a year earlier in 1847. Elmer's mother, Elizabeth Weiss, was born in Illinois of German immigrant parents, Johann Michael Weiss and Anna Maria Heim, who came in 1848.  Both sets of great-grandparents were  hardworking, industrious, successful farmers in Rock Island, Illinois. 

Grandpa Elmer liked to cook and was actually a good cook.  Some of his German heritage shows up in what he liked to cook.  As a child, I can remember him making his own sauerkraut in big crocks that sat out by the garage in back of the house. Eating his sauerkraut was mandatory when visiting his home for dinner, but since I liked sauerkraut I really did not mind.  My grandparents had a large screened in back-porch where in his later years, Elmer would sit to drink his beer🍺, and eat Limburger cheese, Liverwurst, and sardines.  All of which, never became a favorite with me😉

My maternal Grandmother’s maiden name was Leffel.  Her 4th great-grandparents Balzar and Sybilla Leffel immigrated to America from Oggersheim, Ludwigshafen, Bayern, Germany in 1750.  When they first arrived in America, the Leffel family first lived in Pennsylvania.  By the 1820's, many of the Leffel family had settled in Springfield, Ohio, where some such as James Leffel, left his mark as a prominent inventor and industrialist.  My Leffel line eventually moved into Texas and Oklahoma. 

In AncestryDNA's last ethnicity estimate from June 2022, my German ethnicity shows up at 24%.  Prior to that AncestryDNA showed NO German ethnicity (see post).  So now I'm really happy 😊😊my German Heritage shows up in my DNA as well as in family stories, traditions, and records.

German Ethnicity 2022

Posts about my German roots:

Tuesday, October 4, 2022


 Gone Fishing

 While fishing was a favorite pastime for many in my family, it was especially important to my Grandpa Elmer.  After WWII, Elmer moved his family to Yuma, Arizona just so he could fish during all of the winter months.  Sometimes Elmer would fish all night long.  Maymie would often go with Elmer on his fishing trips.  In addition to fishing around Yuma, Elmer also liked going down to Ensenada, Mexico to fish.  When I was young, I would also go with Elmer on many of his fishing trips.  I was probably about 6 years old when Elmer bought me my own fishing pole - just a simple little rod and reel.   The fish🐟 I caught (with Maymie's help) on my first fishing trip with my new little pole was bigger than Elmer's fish caught with his fancy fishing rod and reel.😊  

Elmer Fishing

Elmer often took Maymie fishing.  Good catch.
Yuma, Arizona

Elmer's wife, Maymie, also liked to fish.  This next photo shows her holding a big catfish she had just caught.  The photo is not very clear but you can still see how big the catfish is.🦈  Next is a copy of Maymie's 1943 fishing license.  A few interesting bits of information from Maymie's Fishing License.  The cost was $1.00 for a "LADIES" license.  Maymie was 37 years old, Height 5'2", Weight 110 lbs, Brown eyes, and Red hair.

Maymie holding catfish she had caught.

Maymie's Fishing License 1943

The Martin sons, Wilbur and LeRoy, also liked to fish.  This next photo is hilarious😂🤣.  Not only are Wilbur and LeRoy showing off their fishing "catch"🐟🐟, but notice that they each have a pant leg pulled up to show off their boots (maybe new?).  Wilbur has a pistol tucked into the front of his jeans.  And what's with LeRoy wearing a white shirt and tie?  And LeRoy's hat? They are standing in front of LeRoy's Willys Jeep.  Taken at Yuma, Arizona 1949.

Wilbur & LeRoy Showing Off their Fishing Catch and their Boots

While I never saw my Grandpa Baldwin fish, the following photo shows him holding a fishing pole.  He either just got back from fishing or is getting ready to go fishing. Four of his sons are standing behind him.  The sunglasses😎 and cap may be part of his fishing wear, because I always saw him wearing a western hat (cowboy) and never sunglasses.  Taken about 1970 at the Baldwin home in Montrose, Colorado.

Jess Baldwin going fishing

This last picture is my favorite fishing photo.  It is of my youngest son fishing in the Utah mountains.  He is sitting on the dam of the reservoir with his fishing pole and B-B gun across his lap - just waiting for a fish to bite.  

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Baldwin Family Through the Years

Baldwin Family Through the Years

This post will show some of the photos of the Jess and Mabel Baldwin family that I have collected.  I have not been able to find a lot of early photos of the family, but will share what I have. Note: I have colorized the black and white photos. 

Jess and Mabel Baldwin Family 1928
Mountain Park, Oklahoma

In the above photo, the Baldwin family was living in Mountain Park, Oklahoma.  Standing from left to right: Weldon, Joe, Jess, Esther (cute hat), Mabel, Sue, Ethel.

Baldwin Family 1947
 Back row: Mabel and Jess; Front: Bev, Buck, Joan

Baldwin's 1952
Back row L-R: Beverly 12 yrs, Jess, Glenda 16 yrs, Mabel, Esther Baldwin Neff
Front row L-R: Joyce Neff (sitting), Juanita holding Luke, Joan holding dog, Buck 7 yrs
Taken 1952 at the Baldwin Home on South Market Street, Cortez, Colorado.

Baldwin Girls 1953
Above photo was taken 1953 in California.  
The family was attending Weldon's funeral in Oxnard, California. 
Back row L-R: Juanita, Ester, Ethel, Sue
Front row L-R: Glenda, Bev, Joan, Verna
The below photo of Jess and Mabel was taken at the same time in 1953.  There should have been a photo taken of the Baldwin sons and probably one of the whole family, but I don't have those.  A photo showing the Baldwin sons is probably with the descendants of one of the sons.  And, since I don't have a photo of the Baldwin sons in 1953, I will add one of grandpa and his sons years later (shown at bottom of post). 
Jess and Mabel Baldwin 1953

Baldwin Family 1967
Montrose, Colorado

The family gathered in Montrose, Colorado in the summer of 1967 to celebrate the 50th Wedding Anniversary for Jess and Mabel Baldwin.  All of the living children were in attendance.  
Back row L-R: Buck, Jack, Jess, Joe, Jesse
Front row L-R: Glenda, Verna, Beverly, Juanita, Mabel, Joan, Sue, Ethel, Esther

Below is a favorite photo of Grandpa Jess and his sons, Montrose, Colorado.  Mom took the photo with  her polaroid camera in about 1970.  I'm surprised the photo hasn't faded.   

Jess (squatting) and sons, L-R: Joe, Buck, Jack, Jesse 

When I think of Grandma & Grandpa's house, the family dinner always comes to mind.  Grandma was an excellent cook and every meal every day was a feast.  It didn't matter if it was breakfast, dinner, or supper, each meal had biscuits and gravy, along with all kinds of vegetables that Grandma grew in her garden.  Since they farmed, they had their own beef, pork, and chicken.  Grandpa would make his own lard for Grandma to use in making pie crusts.  Grandma's pies were the best!
Baldwin Family Dinner 1970

The picture below was taken the day of Grandpa's funeral.  Grandma is in the center and surrounded by her children and Grandpa's brother, Tom Baldwin (without hat).

Baldwin Family 1972

Baldwin Family Reunion, Arizona

Note, if the original photo was black and white, I have used the colorized version.  The original black and white photo may be in an earlier blog post.  If not, and you want a copy of the original black and white, please contact me.