Sunday, March 2, 2025

Keepsake Family Trees

 Free Keepsake Family Trees by FamilySearch 

Create free family tree keepsakes at  In order to create a keepsake tree, you will need an account with  Once you have an account and have started a tree, just click on the tree image you like and a keepsake family tree with your information will automatically appears.

Below are a few examples of the many family trees that can be created.  It is easy to print and frame one of the family trees as a gift for a family member.  A young granddaughter who loves koalas might like the Koala family tree.  The butterfly tree would look great framed and hanging on a wall as a conversation piece.  There are many, many more options of family trees from around the world.

To get started, click here

And, one of my personal favorites.  This tree design reminds me of the following saying: 
"Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven, where the love of our love ones pour through and shine down on us to let us know they are happy."

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Elizabeth Coyne

The Many Marriages of Elizabeth Coyne 

Elizabeth Coyne was born 21 Feb 1897 in Rock Island County, Illinois.  Elizabeth was the only child of James and Eliza (Bauer) Coyne.  Her father, James Coyne, was a successful farmer in Blackhawk Township, Rock Island County, Illinois.  She was often called Lizzy by her family and friends.  Elizabeth’s first marriage was to my grandfather, Elmer Martin.  

1915 Marriage to Elmer Martin

On 20 October 1915, Elizabeth Coyne, 18 years-old at the time, married 28 year-old Elmer Martin.  Elmer, who also was born and grew up in Rock Island County, Illinois.  His father and grandfather were prosperous farmers in Bowling Township. 

Martin - Coyne Marriage 1915

As shown in the 19 Oct 1915 Reynolds Press news article below, a bridal shower was given for Elizabeth by some of her Coyne relatives. 
Several months after their marriage, the newly weds moved into a new home that Elmer had just built. And, it seems they enjoyed a social life that included entertaining family and friends. 

Reynolds Press
22 Feb 1916

Reynolds Press
8 Dec 1916

In 1919, Elmer and Elizabeth started on a motor trip to California.  According to a news article, they started their trip on July 4th.  On 30 July 1919, Elmer's father, John S Magleby, passed away.  A news article printed almost a month later on 29 Aug 1919, stated that Elmer and Elizabeth, upon hearing of the death, had disposed of their car and were arriving back home by rail.  Not sure how they would have been notified of the death of Elmer's father, especially since they would have been on the move and telephones were not widely used or available at that time. 

Reynolds Press
4 July 1919

Reynolds Press
29 Aug 1919

During their time on the west coast, Elmer and Elizabeth traveled up to Washington State, where Elmer climbed Mount Rainier in 1919.  To read about Elmer's climb, click here.  While there are no identified photos of Elizabeth, the photo of Elmer swimming in the ocean is most likely of him and Lizzie.  

Swimming in the Pacific Ocean

Elmer and Elizabeth did not stay long in Illinois after the death of Elmer's father.  Probably just long enough to settle up affairs.  They soon returned to the west and settled in Dove Creek, Colorado by 1920.  It is not known if Dove Creek was someplace they visited on their previous trip.  In October 1920, Illinois friends, Mrs. Harry Bishop and daughter Frances, visited with "Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Martin of Dove Creek, Colorado" for two weeks.  

Reynolds Press
4 Oct 1920

The Martin's remained in Dove Creek for the next couple of years.  In 1922, Elmer filed for divorce from Elizabeth.  Elmer claimed desertion as grounds for divorce saying that Elizabeth had been gone for the past year.  Family tradition states that Elizabeth ran off with Elmer's good friend Ted Bell.  
Rico Item, Rico, CO
22 July 1922

1924 Marriage to Ted Bell

After the divorce was final in 1923 from Elmer, Elizabeth married Ted Bell a year later in 1924.  Ted Bell had divorced his wife in 1923.  So by 1924, both Elizabeth and Ted were free to marry again.  On 23 Aug 1924, Elizabeth and Ted married in Colorado Springs.  (Marriage year wrong on record - should be 1924 not 1929.)   Ten years later Elizabeth divorced Ted Bell, charging him with desertion in 1932.  It seems what goes around comes around.
Marriage year should be 1924.

Rock Island Argus
26 Feb 1934

1934 Marriage to Robert Schaffer 

Two days after the divorce from Ted Bell was granted, Elizabeth married Robert Schaffer on 28 Feb 1934.  The marriage to Schaffer would last for 8 years until 1943 when Elizabeth divorced him for desertion.  The divorce decree restored her maiden name, Elizabeth A. Coyne.

The Dispatch, Moline, Illinois
1 March 1934

Daily Times, Davenport, Iowa
3 Jun 1943

1944 Marriage to Ernest Richard Trask

On 28 Nov 1944, Elizabeth, age 47, married Richard Trask, age 37.  They were married by Rev. Lacy in the Presbyterian Church.  According to their wedding announcement, both Elizabeth and Richard were engaged in the real estate business in Rock Island County.  

The Daily Times
Davenport, Iowa
29 Nov 1944

Elizabeth and Richard Trask are found enumerated in the same household in the 1950 Federal Census of Moline, Rock Island, Illinois.  Elizabeth is listed as the wife to Richard.  The occupation for both is listed as real estate.  The census was taken on 19 May 1950.  On 25 Aug 1950, a divorce appeared in The Dispatch newspaper (Moline, Illinois).  

1951 Marriage to William Warnock 

Elizabeth, age 53, married William Marvin Warnock, age 45, on 21 April 1951 in Hot Springs, Arkansas.  

In 1956, Elizabeth and Marvin, living in Phoenix, Arizona, are listed in a city directory.  Elizabeth remained married to William Marvin Warnock longer than any of her previous husbands.  When Marvin passed away in Arizona in 1971, they had been married for 20 years. Elizabeth was buried next to Marvin in the Elm Grove Cemetery in Washington County, Iowa.

Obituary of Elizabeth Coyne Warnock 

Elizabeth's obituary states that she was survived by several cousins.  It should be noted that there are no records to suggest that Elizabeth ever gave birth to a child.  

Friday, February 28, 2025

Ancestry Pro Tools

 Ancestry Pro Tools

I'm a big fan of Ancestry Pro Tools and have been using the tools for some time now.  Ancestry Pro Tools is an add-on membership that requires an active Ancestry family history membership.  The above chart shows the advanced tools in Ancestry Pro Tools.  

Recently, I've been using the Tree Checker to fix problems in my family trees - mainly merging duplicates and fixing possible errors.  Below is a clip showing the current tree rating after correcting and fixing problems.  Wish I had a before and after for the tree rating.  My tree had over 1,200 duplicates when I first started so I am making progress.   

One of the tools that I have recently tried is the Tree Mapper.   While I have not tried everything in Tree Mapper, the visuals are great!  You can filter the map by name, location, time period, family lines, etc.  Below is a map show where my direct line maternal ancestors lived during the 1750-1900 time period.  The filters for this map are shown checked on the right side of the map.

Mostly I've used the Enhanced Shared Matches, which is a DNA match game changer.  This tool alone is worth the extra cost of Pro Tools!!  Most of my DNA match mysteries have been solved using this tool😊  This tool allows me to see how my matches share DNA with our common matches.  Ancestry makes it possible to sort the shared matches of a match from close to distant.  

Thank you for these tools👍😍😀

LeRoy and His Horses

LeRoy Martin, born in 1930, was the son of Elmer and Maymie (Wilson) Martin.  LeRoy was raised in Southwest Colorado and he grew up riding horses from the time he could walk.  Although, he did start off riding pigs first.🐖  To see LeRoy riding a pig, click here.  
LeRoy's mother, Maymie, loved to tell the following story of when LeRoy was in grade school in Cortez, Colorado.  One day she walked to the grade school wanting to see how LeRoy was doing in class that day.  When Maymie walked into the classroom, the teacher instead asked Maymie how LeRoy was doing and that she was sorry he was sick.  Apparently LeRoy sent a note to school saying he was sick and would not be attending school that day.  He had instead saddled up his horse, and started riding towards Dove Creek, some 30 miles away. 🐎🐎
LeRoy Martin 1949

The earliest photo of LeRoy and his horse was taken in 1941.  LeRoy would have been around 10 years old.  Name of the horse is unknown.  The original black & white and the colorized versions are both shown.

The next group of  photographs look as if they were taken on the same day probably in 1942.  The photos were taken near Dolores, Colorado on LeRoy's grandparent's place.  LeRoy would refer to Tony as his "pony" when talking about him.  Tony is probably the horse LeRoy started riding to Dove Creek in the story above.  I've colorized the first two photos.

LeRoy and his horse Tony

L-R: Wilbur with Cheyenne & LeRoy with Tony  

Rounding up a calf

During WWII, the Martin family moved to Las Vegas.  LeRoy's father worked in a government defense plant during the war.  While living in Las Vegas, LeRoy had a horse named Dollar.  This photograph was probably taken about 1945.
LeRoy and his horse Dollar
Las Vegas, NV

LeRoy is shaking a hoof in this next photo.  Both LeRoy and his horse look like show-offs as they are posing for the photo  The photo was taken 1950 at Maymie's house in Cortez, Colorado.  Name of the horse is unknown.  

Next are two photos taken in 1951 in Yuma, Arizona.  The top photo is LeRoy and his horse, Edna Coath.  The next photo is Verna,  LeRoy, and Edna Coath.  Interesting name for a horse.  LeRoy loved that horse so much, he wanted to name his first daughter Edna.  Thankfully his wife vetoed that.😄😍

Edna Coath (horse) and LeRoy

Verna, LeRoy, Edna Coath

In this next photo, LeRoy is with another favorite horse, Catnip.  Catnip was more like a family member in the Martin Family.  In this picture, Catnip is following LeRoy around and son, Chuck, is on the horse.  LeRoy is probably trying to teach Chuck, who was 4 years old, to ride. Taken 1957 in California. 

LeRoy, Catnip, Chuck

LeRoy has his two sons, Chuck and Dusty with him on this horse.  Horse's name unknown.  This was taken just outside of Yuma, Arizona in 1961. 

LeRoy with sons Dusty and Chuck on Catnip
1961 Yuma, Arizona

LeRoy and his horse Billie at Durango Fairgrounds
1980s Durango, CO

LeRoy and Robin
1980s Cortez, Colorado

1990s LeRoy - Unknown horse
Cortez, Colorado

In the 1970's and 1980's, LeRoy raced horses in New Mexico and Arizona.  Below are a few "Win Pictures" during this time.

Note: If anyone in the family knows the name of any of the unknown horses pictured above, please let me know.  And, if I only have a color version posted here and anyone in the family wants the original black and white photo, just let me know and I will send it to you.😊

Friday, February 14, 2025

Happy Valentine's Day

 Happy Valentine's Day
From our McNeil Family 1889

This heart is the artwork of one our McNeil ancestors.  It was created in about 1889 when it was added to the family record of the William S McNeil family.  The family record was written on both sides of a 5x8 lined sheet, which over the years had aged to a brownish-yellow.  This heart shown above is enlarged from the original size drawn which was 1-1/16 x 1-3/4. 
To see the post with the complete McNeil family record, click here.  

Related posts:
William S McNeil Family 
Valentine Cards 
Family Love Stories 

Monday, December 30, 2024

George Hatfield

 George Hatfield of Butler County, Ohio 

Our earliest known ancestor on the Hatfield line is George Hatfield.  Our George Hatfield was a native of Virginia, according to his daughter. George had moved to Ohio by 1799, when he married Rachel Bell on 10 April 1799 in Hamilton County, Ohio. The marriage can be found in Pioneer Marriage Records Hamilton County Ohio, 1791-1820.  These marriage records were copied by John Day Caldwell, Secretary of the Cincinnati Pioneer Association, before the Cincinnati Courthouse fire in 1884. Compiled for USGenWeb Hamilton County, Ohio site by Shirlene Jensen.  

While living in Butler County, Ohio, George and Rachel had nine children: John M. Hatfield, Jacob Hatfield, Abel Hatfield, Mary Hatfield Culver, Elizabeth Hatfield Carmichael, Elisha Hatfield, Nancy Hatfield Norman, George W Hatfield, and Sarah Hatfield Coddington. All of the children of George and Rachel Hatfield were born and raised in Butler County, Ohio. The older children starting moving to Parke County, Illinois by 1820 - probably after their father's death. 

George and Rachel's daughter Nancy Hatfield Norman states the following about her parents in an 1893 county history:

"Father, George Hatfield, was a native of Virginia. He was reared on a farm and followed the occupation of farming all his life. The mother, Rachael Bell, in her maiden days, was born in the state of New Jersey and was reared there until twelve years old. The father and mother of our subject were blessed with nine children, four of whom were daughters and five sons, all reaching years of maturity but now deceased with the exception of three. Mrs. Norman is the seventh child and third daughter in order of birth, and was reared in her native place, remaining there until reaching her eighteenth year, when she came to Parke County with her mother, with whom she remained until her marriage."

"Portrait and Biographical Record of Montgomery, Parke
and Fountain Counties, Indiana," Chapman Bros, Chicago, 1893, pg 528-529.

George Hatfield can be found in early tax records, land records, court records, and newspapers for Butler County, Ohio from 1799 to 1817.  

1808 Land record, Butler County, Ohio

George died in 1817 presumably in Butler County.  
On 19 August 1817, administration of the estate of George Hatfield was granted to his widow Rachel Hatfield and to Jacob Bell.  It is not known if Rachel was related to Jacob Bell.  

George's widow, Rachel was still living in Butler County, Ohio when she married David Bradbury on 12 Dec 1819. After Rachel's second husband David died in 1824, Rachel moved to Parke County, Indiana where most of her children were living.

In 1821, an account of the estate was filed by Rachel Broadbury late Rachel Hatfield and Jacob Bell administrators of George Hatfield estate. 

Butler County, Ohio Testamentary Records 1821

In 1829 Butler County, Ohio Chancery Records, all of George Hatfield's heirs are listed.

Gateway to the West, Vol 1, page 131, Butler Co., Chancery Records 1827-1829

Hatfield Family Posts:
John Martin Hatfield Family Record  
Martin and Nancy Hatfield Family  
Hatfield Brothers Reunion