Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Anle Theatre in Cortez, Colorado

I've always loved going to a movie theater and watching a movie on the big screen while munching on  fresh popped corn πŸŽ₯🍿.  

When I was growing up, Cortez only had one theater - the Anle Theatre on Main Street.  A theater has been at the same location at 23 W Main Street in Cortez for as long as I can remember.  

While going through some mementos, I found an interesting bit of history.  It was a movie schedule for December 1963.  It brought back a lot of memories of going to see movies in the old Anle Theatre during the 1950's and 1960's.  The theater changed names by the late 1960's to the Fiesta Theatre.  And, 
I'm sure the theater has been updated and remodeled over the years.  Wonder if there is still a balcony along the back of the theater?  

Anle Theatre Movie Schedule Dec 1963

On the bottom right-hand corner is a notice for the Arroyo Drive-In.  It was just north of town and only opened on week-ends and warmer months.  Interesting reminder on the top right-hand corner to "Attend the Church Of Your Choice Every Sunday".  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember going to the old Anle theater when I lived in Cortez.