James Cole memorial marker on Cole's Hill Plymouth, Massachusetts |
Below is the James Cole fact sheet from the Plimoth Plantation.
Recently while doing research at the GSMD (General Society of Mayflower Descendants) Library in Plymouth, MA, I was excited to find a new book published in 2017 by Susan E Roser about our Pilgrim ancestor James Cole and his early descendants.
Since the GSMD Library did not have the book for sale, I ordered one as soon as I returned home. The author has a website: www.friendsofthepilgrims.com. The book arrived just before Thanksgiving, so I was able to spend Thanksgiving weekend reading about my Pilgrim ancestor, James Cole.
Information about James Cole of Plymouth can be found in many places online. The best is the New England Historic Genealogical Society's website, www.NewEnglandAncestor.org which has a profile of James Cole in their Great Migrations Study Project. Much can also be found on Ancestry.com, especially in their public family trees -- just be careful because there is a lot of "junk" posted there also. James Cole also has a profile on both FamilySearch and Find-a-Grave. I will post another article on James Cole once I sift through all the information.😊
Nathan Cole - Patriot
Nathan Cole's Revolutionary War Button
James Cole Fact Sheet |
Since the GSMD Library did not have the book for sale, I ordered one as soon as I returned home. The author has a website: www.friendsofthepilgrims.com. The book arrived just before Thanksgiving, so I was able to spend Thanksgiving weekend reading about my Pilgrim ancestor, James Cole.
Pilgrims at Plymouth - loc.gov |
View from James Cole Memorial Marker on Cole's Hill (see above). Down the hill and across the street is the Plymouth Rock Memorial. |
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Our 'First Families' in AmericaNathan Cole - Patriot
Nathan Cole's Revolutionary War Button
Thanks for the information about the new James Cole book. I look forward to getting one for myself and maybe one for the genealogy section of our library.
He seems like a super cool guy! Rad to have him in our ancestors :):)
According to my Grandmother, June Lilly Cole Stanton, James Cole was my 13th Great grandfather I have been able to trace the Coles from Plymouth to the Rochester area in upstate New York.
I did not realize we had a Pilgrim in the family. This makes me want to go to Plymouth. There is so much history in our family.
James Cole is my ancestor that owned Plymouth Rock, my last name is Cole.
I think it’s so cool to have a pilgrim ancestor. -CJM
Could you please look up my Cole ancestor in the new Cole Book? Our local library does not have the book.
If you leave the name of the ancestor, I can look it up. The book just goes down to the 3rd and 4th generation from James Cole of Plymouth.
I found your site by accident and have found it very interesting and well done. I am a descendant of James Cole and I am trying to find a link to the Mayflower. I turned 80 last year and before I "pass" I would love to connect to the Mayflower. I have tried for years but no luck. Buth thanks for the information posted here.
Tom Schafer
Tom Schafer, I too would like to find a Mayflower ancestor. But since I have not yet found one, James Cole has been a good substitute.
Good luck in your search
Can anyone tell me about Daniel & Mary Cole who died days apart in I believe 1697? Was there a plague or a war going on?
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