Frederick Miller Homestead, Clark County, Ohio
In 1818 Frederick and Elizabeth Peery Miller left their home in Botetourt County, Virginia to make a new home in Clark County, Ohio. Frederick bought a quarter section, containing forty acres of cleared land, located in Bethel township, six miles west of Springfield, Ohio. A cabin on that land was their home until 1822 when the above pictured building of hewn logs was erected. It was built two stories, with a central hall and four rooms. By records dated 1823, Peter Minnich and Peter Marquart did the carpenter work. Beaded mantles, partitions, joists and paneled doors, unusual in log houses in primitive settlements, gave beauty of finish to the structure. Its broad faced poplar logs with the white stripes of lime mortar between made an impressive view.
Frederick Miller 1760-1822 died during the construction of this house. As the widow, Elizabeth was to have a separate room in the new house. She chose as her own the east room on the first floor with its huge fireplace.
In later years other occupants of this house would build around the original structure making it a part of their home. It was still being used in 1912.
In later years other occupants of this house would build around the original structure making it a part of their home. It was still being used in 1912.
Miller land as it looks now.

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