Friday, August 9, 2019

clmroots tree

Before there was the clmroots blog - there was the clmroots tree.

Around thirty-five years ago, I carved my initials on an aspen tree located on our mountain property.  It was in an area where we camped a few times during the 1980's.  Last month while on this year's camp trip (Yes, I still go camping every year), I came across "my tree" during an afternoon hike around the property.  I was surprised when I first saw my initials right in front of me on a tree (mainly because I had forgotten all about it😏), and even more surprised to find the tree was still around after all these years.🌳🌳🌳  It has aged about like me -- a little bigger, a few scars here and there, and getting crowded out by all the new, young growth around it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha!Ha! Funny! We are all aging about like that -- a little bigger, a few scars here and there, and getting crowded out by all the new, young growth around us.
Your Cuz