Thursday, June 27, 2019

June Weddings

Historically, June has always been a popular month for weddings, and if the movies shown on TV this month are any indication, June is still a favorite.  All you need to do is turn to the Hallmark channel to find dozens of movies about June Brides and June Weddings. 

The month of June was named after Juno - the Roman goddess of love and marriage.  And, it was traditionally thought that those who married in the month of June would be blessed with love, happiness, and prosperity.  Another benefit is the wonderful weather and all the beautiful flowers which are abundant in the month of June for the bridal bouquets

June also appears to have been a very popular month for our own ancestors to “tie the knot.”  As you can see from the calendar below, every day in June has a wedding for at least one of our ancestral couples.

One of my favorite musicals is the 1954 movie, “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers”.  In the movie is a song called “June Bride.” 

“Oh, they say when you marry in June you’re a bride all your life, 
And the bridegroom who marries in June gets a sweet-heart for a wife. 
Winter weddings can be gay like a Christmas holiday, 
But the JUNE BRIDE hears the song of a spring that lasts all summer long. 
By the light of the silvery moon, home you ride side by side 
With the echo of Mendelssohn’s tune in your hearts as you ride. 
For they say when you marry in June you will always be a bride.”

And, if you are wondering: No, I did not get married in June.

1 comment:

josie said...

the roman goddess, Juno, is also the Greek goddess, Hera. it is known that Juno had quite a temper and earnestly hated any woman she found her husband with. What's funny is that she's only the goddess of marriage and childbirth, not love. that is evident in the stories of Hephaestus (or Vulcan if he's Roman) because Hera repeatedly threw her son off of Olympus because she "didn't like him". hera is also associated with Saturn, the planet with the rings, which is intriguing not only because you give a ring to someone when you marry them, but also because June is peak marriage season!