Grandma Sarah Margaret Cole McNeil
1902 Family Reunion
Last June I posted an article about the
1902 McNeil Reunion that took place in Smith County, Kansas. I was excited when I found the original newspaper clipping (that matched the old one in our family bible) of the reunion in the Smith County Pioneer newspaper. And, even more excited to find some photos (posted by a McNeil cousin) that were taken the day of the reunion. The original photos were black and white or sepia and seemed to have aged with time.
love-love-love the
new colorizing tool at MyHeritage and the 1902 McNeil reunion photos were some of the first old photos I wanted to colorize. As you can see from comparing the the original and the colorized versions of the reunion photos, the colorized versions are much improved.
This first photo is of all the family members who attended the 1902 reunion. According to the
newspaper article of the McNeil Reunion, the photograph was taken on the front porch of the Nate McNeil home in the afternoon by Photographer Stone. Grandma McNeil (Sarah Margaret Cole McNeil) is right in the center of the photo, resting her head back on the white pillow.
Original Photo of the McNeil Reunion 1902 |
Colorized Photo of McNeil Reunion 1902 |
(Back row: Martin M. Hatfield, Nancy McNeil Hatfield, Thomas C. McNeil, Mary "Stella" Reed Hoyt, George Hoyt, Addie Ball, Noah Ball, Alma Peterson Hatfield, Amos Reed, Charles E. Hatfield. Middle row: Minnie Newbrey McNeil, James "Harmon" McNeil, Verna McNeil, Susie Hoyt McNeil, Nathan H McNeil, Grandma McNeil (Sarah Cole McNeil), Levi Ball, Susan McNeil Ball, Albert Reed, Roxie Ellen McNeil Reed. Children: Clinton Hatfield, Lenard McNeil, Juanita Higby, Nellie McNeil Miller, Lester McNeil, Blanche Hatfield, Blanche McNeil Miller, Alfred Hatfield.)
The MyHeritage colorizing tool seems to help restore old faded photos. The photo below was taken at the same time as the photo above. It is a photograph of Grandma Sarah Margaret Cole McNeil with her six children. Her sons are standing in the back top row (L-R): Harmon McNeil, Nathan McNeil, and Thomas McNeil. Sarah and daughters are sitting in the front row (L-R): Nancy McNeil Hatfield, Grandma Sarah Cole McNeil, Susannah McNeil Ball, and Roxie Ellen McNeil Reed.
Grandma McNeil and children
Original photo |
Grandma McNeil and children
Colorized version |
As you can see from the the comparison, the colorized version is clearer and more detailed than the original. There is still some fading at the top of the photo but overall the quality of colorized photo is much improved. Grandma McNeil is especially detailed as you can see from the below thumbnail of Grandma McNeil.
Sarah M Cole McNeil
1902 |
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1902 McNeil Reunion